Working collectively with grassroots movements, the Coalition for Liberated Ethnic Studies (CLES) lifts up principles, policies, practices, and pedagogies that center–the knowledge, narratives, experiences, and wellness of–Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) communities so that liberation of all peoples and relations are realized.
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CLES is deeply troubled that the Santa Ana Unified School District (Santa Ana, CA) bowed to the demands of Zionist lawyers, essentially eviscerating their robust and community-supported Ethnic Studies program.
The Santa Ana Board of Education signed a 13-page agreement, caving to a lawsuit filed by a coalition of Zionist organizations—the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, Stand With Us and Potomac Law. Under the agreement, the district will stop teaching Ethnic Studies World Geography, Ethnic Studies World Histories, and Ethnic Studies: Perspectives, Identities and Social Justice after this academic school year. The courses must be redesigned under a process that includes inviting input from the instigators of the lawsuit.
👩🏾💻Read our full statement: tinyurl.com/sausdES (link in bio)

‼️Protect Ethnic Studies! Protect Teaching Palestine! Oppose California’s AB1468! ‼️
📚 AB 1468 would create a one-size-fits-all curriculum that’s not Ethnic Studies.
🧠AB 1468 is ideological warfare.
🚨 AB1468 would add even more policing of Ethnic Studies curriculum, none of it by Ethnic Studies scholars.
❌ AB1468 would substitute multiculturalism for Ethnic Studies.
👩🏽💻Read our full statement here: tinyurl.com/no-ab1468-details (link in bio)
🧑🏿💻Take action now! Contact your assemblymembers today: tinyurl.com/no-ab1468 (link in bio)

We're deeply saddened that these California electeds have chosen to support AB 1468! The bill seeks to censor liberatory Ethnic Studies and will ban curriculum on the genocide in Gaza from Ethnic Studies courses!
📲 Please help us in calling offices today and requesting they remove their name from the racist bill! 📲
✊🏽 Help us stop the bill by also sending a letter to California electeds now: tinyurl.com/no-ab1468 (link in bio) ✊🏽

"We are Ethnic Studies educators, so we know more than most how this moment is connected to history and how it's grounded in time and space. I think it's easy to lose Sight of that. There's an intentional strategy for us to be thrown into confusion and chaos, so that we don't galvanize and organize and really understand what's going on."
Excerpt From "We're Going to Do Right by Our Young People" An interview with Jenine, our new CLES National Coordinator
❤️Read The Entire Feature
(link in bio)
✊🏽Become a CLES member today! Send an interest form on our website: ethnicstudies-coalition.org (link in bio)

Repost @xitotucson Join us in Tucson! This summer‘s theme is the Mayan concept of Panche Be – To seek the root of the truth/Buscar la raiz de la verdad. More than ever we need to come together to resist the erasure of our histories and knowledge and collectively organize against the repression of authentic and liberatory, Ethnic Studies! For the first time we will be offering a pre-institute border field day through our partners at Borderlinks!
Register today - limited scholarships available

Repost @liberated_ethnic_studies LIBERATED ETHNIC STUDIES MODEL CURRICULUM is hosting their 5th annual Summer Institute. Join us!! Register by scanning QR code or going to qrco.de/summer2025
($150 tuition covers food/materials)
CSUN Jerome Richfield Chicana/o Studies Department
18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330
ASL Interpretation provided.

👩🏾💻📞Contact your LEGISLATORS and share your story of why they should OPPOSE HF29: https://buff.ly/3QQwRY9 (link in bio)
Repost @mnethnicstudies HF29 has been introduced in Minnesota to remove Ethnic Studies from the standards and would roll back social studies standards to the 2012 standards. Students deserve to have updated standards in their classroom that support their critical thinking skills and inspire them to be civically engaged to build better communities for our future. ✊🏽❤️🙏🏽

On this last day of Black History Month, let's make sure that Black history, voices, and experiences are included in our classrooms EVERY DAY! Check out this incredible resource by our coalition member @blmatschool! ❤️✊🏽📚
Repost @blmatschool Welcome to the BLM@School Curriculum Resource Guide 2.0! These resources are FREE of charge and meant to be shared, used, adapted, and extended by educators in classrooms and community spaces. The overall goal of these lessons and activities is to challenge racism and oppression by providing students with vocabulary, tools, and historical strategies needed to inspire action for themselves and their communities.
NEW FOR 2023! We're experimenting with an OPEN channel. In this channel, we're able to accept submissions from the public that we plan to verify and sort into the BLM@School Index. To submit to the OPEN channel, you just need to start a FREE Are.na account and you can upload PDF's, post links, and connect other sources! A tutorial has been included in the **START HERE** channel and on our main Curriculum website.
The BLM@School Curriculum Committee spent this year adapting the Resource Guide to a new platform, Are.na, after what seemed like a cyber-attack on our Google Drive disappeared thousands of files we've collected over the years. We refuse to cede our schools and communities to the agenda of those who attempt to erase long-held global histories of Black-led struggle to achieve a just world. We're excited that this new platform will be a safe and evolving platform for continued curriculum organizing amongst our community of justice-oriented educators. Forward Ever, Backward Never.
Are you interested in joining us in indexing justice-affirming education materials? The BLM@School Curriculum Resource Guide is formed and maintained by a volunteer collective of educator activists from all across the US. Send us an email at curriculum@blacklivesmatteratschool.com
to be added to the waiting list.
LINK IN BIO - View the evolving index on Are.na at bit.ly/blmatschoolguide
Image Descriptions in comments

Repost @mnethnicstudies Here is what you need to know about HF29. Take action and tell your LEGISLATORS to OPPORSE HF29! https://www.house.mn.gov/Committees/members/94005 (link in bio)

Repost @cair_sfba AB 1468 is a deeply problematic bill designed to undermine Ethnic Studies by stripping control from educators and scholars and imposing political censorship.
It seeks to redefine Ethnic Studies on political terms, diluting its integrity and erasing critical histories such as the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine and the genocide in Gaza.
Take action now and tell your Assemblymembers and Senators to reject this MAGA-like attack on ethnic studies in California.
Link in bio or visit bit.ly/noonab1468.

Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!